What is SSL and How to Get It: A Simple Guide

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that keeps your internet connection secure. It protects any sensitive data that is sent between two systems, such as a user’s computer and a website, from being read by hackers.

Why Do You Need SSL?

  • Security: SSL encrypts the data that is transferred between your website and your visitors, making it difficult for hackers to intercept.
  • Trust: Websites with SSL show a padlock symbol in the browser’s address bar, which helps to build trust with visitors.
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines like Google prefer secure websites and may rank them higher in search results.

How to Get SSL for Your Website

1. Choose the Right Type of SSL Certificate

There are different types of SSL certificates:

  • Single Domain: Secures one domain (e.g., www.yoursite.com).
  • Wildcard: Secures one domain and all its subdomains (e.g., www.yoursite.com, blog.yoursite.com).
  • Multi-Domain: Secures multiple domains (e.g., yoursite.com, another-site.com).

2. Purchase an SSL Certificate

You can buy an SSL certificate from:

  • Your Web Host: Many web hosting providers offer SSL certificates.
  • SSL Providers: Companies like Let’s Encrypt (offers free SSL), Comodo, and Symantec sell SSL certificates.

3. Activate the SSL Certificate

After purchasing, you need to activate the SSL certificate. This usually involves:

  • Generating a CSR (Certificate Signing Request): This is done through your hosting account.
  • Validation: Depending on the type of SSL, you might need to prove ownership of the domain.

4. Install the SSL Certificate

Once activated, you’ll need to install the SSL certificate on your web server. This can usually be done through your web hosting control panel.

5. Update Your Website to Use HTTPS

  • Update Links: Change all your website links from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: Set up a 301 redirect to ensure visitors are directed to the secure version of your site.
  • Check for Mixed Content: Ensure all resources (images, scripts) are loaded securely.


SSL is essential for protecting your website and building trust with your visitors. Getting an SSL certificate involves choosing the right type, purchasing from a reliable source, activating, installing it, and updating your website to use HTTPS. Once set up, your site will be more secure, and your visitors will feel safer browsing it.

also read: Why is SSL So Important for SEO?

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