WordPress for Non-Profit And Charity in 2021

Launching a Website for Your Non-Profit? Here’s Why WordPress is Your Best Bet

Having a website is crucial for non-profits today. It helps spread the word about your activities, provides a resource for volunteers, and offers a convenient platform for donations. According to the 2017 Global NGO Online Technology Report, 67% of NGOs worldwide accept online donations.

WordPress is an excellent choice for creating your charity website. It offers great design and functionality that you can implement without writing a single line of code.

Key Features of a Non-Profit Website

When designing a website for a non-profit, certain features are essential for effective communication and engagement.

1. Catchy and Customizable Design

A visually appealing design is vital for attracting visitors. Look for customizable features like integrated page builder plugins and various font choices to create a unique look that aligns with your branding needs.

Photo Idea: Showcase before-and-after screenshots of a customizable WordPress theme.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO helps your website rank higher in search results, making it easier for people to find your organization. Optimizing your content and using SEO plugins can significantly increase your visibility.

Photo Idea: An infographic explaining the basics of SEO.

3. Mobile-Friendly Design

With more than 50% of web searches conducted on smartphones and 24% of online donations made via mobile in 2018, a responsive design is crucial. Ensure your website looks great and functions well on all screen sizes.

Photo Idea: Screenshots of a website displaying correctly on different devices.

4. Social Media Integration

Integrate your social media profiles with your website to help visitors stay connected. Plugins can display social media feeds directly on your site, making it easier for visitors to follow your activities.

Photo Idea: Example of a website featuring integrated social media feeds.

5. Donation Functionality

Plugins like GiveWP enable easy online donations. Make sure your website design includes donation features to facilitate contributions.

Photo Idea: A visual step-by-step guide on how to donate through the website.

6. Payment Gateway Options

Offering multiple payment gateways increases the likelihood of successful donations. Ensure your site supports various options like PayPal, credit cards, and other online payment systems.

Photo Idea: Icons of different payment methods available on the site.

7. Projects and Volunteer Sections

Highlight your projects and causes with well-designed sections. Include multiple layout options and detailed pages for each project. A dedicated volunteer section can provide necessary information for interested individuals.

Photo Idea: Screenshots of detailed project pages and volunteer sign-up forms.

8. Contact Page and Form

A good contact page with an easy-to-use form encourages visitors to get in touch with you. This can facilitate communication and engagement with your audience.

Photo Idea: A clean and simple contact form on a website.

9. Testimonials

Featuring testimonials from volunteers can give a personal touch and showcase the positive impact of your work. This can build trust and credibility with your audience.

Photo Idea: Photos of volunteers with their testimonials.

10. Multi-Language Compatibility

To appeal to international supporters, ensure your website is compatible with multiple languages. This broadens your reach and makes your site accessible to a global audience.

Photo Idea: Screenshot of a language selection dropdown menu on a website.


A professional-looking website is essential for establishing credibility and fostering online visibility for your non-profit. WordPress offers the design flexibility and functionality needed to create a compelling and effective online presence for your organization. By incorporating these key features, you can build a website that not only looks great but also supports your mission and engages your community.

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